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目前分類:菲律賓遊學分享(學英語) (6)

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【限時優惠】 ~~ 想要一個月就能學會如何說英語?!



楊老師菲律賓遊學 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()




楊老師菲律賓遊學 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

因為本人之前曾到菲律賓遊學,  所以找到一些好筍的方法由澳門匯款過去菲律賓交學費,方法如下:

(此攻略只限澳門及香港地區, 你們可以看看有沒有這間銀行~~ BDO BANK )


楊老師菲律賓遊學 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

         I have stayed in We Academy for two months, there are many unforgettable things that have happened here. I remember that Manager Brad and China always took care of me and invited me to a birthday party on my second day. Moreover, I also had a Chinese Manager who helped me when I came across some problems. There was a peaceful and comfortable surrounding that made it easier to begin studying.



楊老師菲律賓遊學 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

誠聘臺灣區域、中國區域學生經理:工作地點:菲律賓怡朗市(ILOILO CITY)一般合同期6個月,以打工換學的方式進行,一個月之內每天三節課,其它時間為工作時間;一個月之後四節課,半天工作時間。剛入職第一周為學習周,無學習計畫。免費住宿、免費餐、免費簽證延簽、免學費等。如果你對這個職位感興趣,具體的工作職責歡迎諮詢FACEBOOKLinda Peng,微信:13958049299,微博:鈴鐺遊學列國。另外在諮詢前建議先發送一份您個人的英文 及 中文簡歷到weacademysince2003@gmail.com


楊老師菲律賓遊學 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

November 19th is special for me because I came to Iloilo from Macau on that day. The trip is for an English language course. By taking this course, I want to improve my English skills and talk to foreigners.

I like We Academy very much right after I arrived here. It is in the countryside and is safe. It will give me a good English learning environment, and there are not many Chinese speakers here. I had visited the Philippines before, but all my friends do not suggest me to come here. They think it is not safe here and the English pronunciation of the people here is not better than those in England. I considered their views for a while, but I really like this country and finds English courses here inexpensive. In the first week of November, I decided to go to We Academy.


楊老師菲律賓遊學 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()